Importance of backups

I'm sure you have read about the importance of backing up your data a thousand times already. I am not going to say that I didn't.

Nonetheless, yesterday I spent the whole night looking for a text document and couldn't find it. I searched everywhere, all known folders, cloud storage, libraries — nothing, my document is gone. Such things happen even if you pay attention and understand what you are doing. Sooner or later — boom!

In general, human behaviour is the same — everywhere. It remains the same as the time passes by, even destiny unable to change it. Some day, some way, you will make a similar mistake, we aren't perfect beings.

That is why today, I am more than happy to know that in Way Over Media system, all backups are automated and saved for 14 days. Our projects and our client's websites are secure. The computer won't forget to click a button.

Automate everything and be careful with important files. Backup, copy, save changelog and history. Do whatever you can, because someday it will catch you asleep.

#meetoo #backup #cloud #behaviour